National Exams Online Test Preparation and Practice Exams |
National Exams is the leader in professional licensure and certification exam preparation. Over 160,000 students have utilized our online assessment tools and study guides to assist in passing their state and national examinations. National Exams provides a proven testing system including questions, answers and rationale delivery ensuring that each student gets the training and review necessary to pass their exams. |
EMT National Training prepares EMT's and Paramedics for the National Registry Examination (NREMT). Over 3000 EMS questions with detailed answers and rationales help medical professional solidify the knowledge and skills that they were taught in their accredited EMT or Paramedic course. Content includes Airway and Breathing, Cardiac Interpretation, Medical Assessment, Trauma Assessment, Special Patients, Obstetrics and Pediatric Emergencies as well as Emergency Medical System Operations. |
Fire Fighter Exam allows firefighters to test their knowledge and do self assessments of basic and advanced firefighting tools and techniques that are included on most fired department examinations. Over 1500 questions, answers and rationales including Firefighter 1, Firefighter 2, Mechanical Aptitude, Spacial & Directional Orientation, Judgement and Reasoning, Basic Mathematics, Vocabulary, Spelling and Grammar. |
Massage Exam assists massage therapists with their national and state massage exams. Students taking any of the certification or licensure tests (NCBTMB, NCETM, NCETMB or MBLEx) will benefit from using this online study guide with over 3000 questions covering all topics on the national examination. Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology, Pathology, Body Systems, Massage Assessment, Massage Application, Professional Standards, CPR and Complementary Alternative Medicine. |
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